Casino carpet in the LVRJ

What can I say? Seriously thinking about casino carpet has gone mainstream. From the LVRJ:

We walk all over it, cover most of our floors with it, and, when we see it for the first time, proclaim it either grand or gaudy.

But have you ever seriously contemplated carpet? Other than its functionality — and providing a platform for generating static electricity in the winter — what purpose does it serve, especially in casinos?

Thats a question David Schwartz has asked about casino carpet. As the director of the Gaming Studies Research Center at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Schwartzs job is to contemplate all things casino. Carpet so fascinates Schwartz that he devotes an entire gallery on his blog, the, to casino carpet. There, he writes: “Casino carpet is known as an exercise in deliberate bad taste that somehow encourages people to gamble.”

That may be true, but how? Schwartz says he doesn’t know, but there are almost as many theories as there are carpet designs. One thing he has noticed, is that, while it differs from property to property, casino carpet has a common element: It tends to be festive. Or busy, depending on your point of view. – Living – NAME THAT CARPET: WATCH WHERE YOU STEP

When I first created the casino carpet gallery, I didn’t know that it would be such a sensation. People really seem to like it–far more, apparently, than buying well-written books about gambling history. But I can’t get a deal to write a coffee table book about casino carpet. Judging from the hits and emails I get, it would sell at least moderately well. Any acquisitions editors out there interested?

If you are new to the site, start your amazing carpet journey here.

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