Too funny

Just like the Clinton Administration galvanized and nurtured conservative talk radio during the 1990s, the Tropicana Atlantic City is going to keep me posting. If I still lived in Atlantic City, I’d walk down there every day and probably come back with classic 1000-word posts. Take, for example, this entertainment listing that I found in the vaunted AC Press:

WHAT ISIT: MANTASM is a new male revue at the Tropicana, presented by creator Dave Pena and producer Shari Pearl. The show promises to feature some of the hottest male dancers strutting their stuff to the pulsating music.

WHAT TO EXPECT: For those who missed Tropicanas long-running “Men of the Cave” male revue last year, or who need another dose of scantily-clad, gyrating beefcake, MANTASM is just what the doctor ordered. What better way is there to spend a Saturday night than sitting alongside shrieking women marveling at a bunch of six-pack abs and ridiculously toned biceps? What makes MANTASM unique is its interactive nature.

Casino Scene

I’m not saying that ladies shrieking at oiled abs, pecs, and biceps is bad. I’m not even saying it’s a bad idea–if guys are allowed to ogle objectified women, I say it’s only just to allow women a parallel diversion. And a female-directed male revue? We’re moving into Margaret Fuller/Susan B. Anthony territory here.

But the name…for the love of all that is holy, why? MANTASM. The soul of class and refinement, no?

With the CAPS LOCK thing, I’m thinking that maybe this should be a feature attraction at MEGACENTER.

Even better, the show it replaces was called “Men of the Cave.” I’m picturing the GEICO cavemen doing lap dances. It’s funny, but only if you don’t think too much about the specifics. Shaggy back hair! NOOOOO!

You know, the best GEICO caveman commercial was (I think) the first one, where they’re in the studio and the talking head says the famous line, then the sound guy, who just happens to be a cave man, throws down his gear and says, “NOT COOL” before storming out. I don’t know why–it just seems like it would actually go down that way. The one at the therapist’s where he says, “It’s my mother. I’ll ut it on speaker,” is a close second, just because of that line.

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