Getting the VIP treatment is one of the best things about Las Vegas. Ornate hotels surround their guests with everything they desire. Of course, if you are already a celebrity, it must be that much richer, right?
Being part of a major awards show must be an absolute thrill, but nothing compared to the joys of returning to your room to find your personal possessions have been rifled through and/or thefted. The genie of the Aladdin apparently made more than things like casino revenue and room rates vanish, as two guests of the Radio Music Awards there discovered:
Nelly and Michelle Branch Burglarized in Las Vegas: “LAS VEGAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oct. 28, 2003–Last night, multi-platinum recording artists Nelly (Cornell Haynes) and Michelle Branch’s hotel rooms at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas were burglarized while they attended the Radio Music Awards. Mr. Haynes claims that over $1 million dollars worth of jewelry was taken from his room while Ms. Branch claims that computer equipment was stolen from her room. Reports have been filed with the local police department and a police investigation is currently under way. “
How did this probably happen? The best guest is a simple push-door theft. Often, when guests leave their hotel room, air pressure prevents the door from closing completely. It is no secret that groups of push-door thieves have been working the Strip for years–in fact, Metro tries their best to educate visitors about the problem.
This is great news for people who are looking for a new laptop or some bling and don’t want to pay retail, but very bad for hotel guests who happen to value their personal property. Don’t let push-door theft happen to you–make absolutely sure the door is closed behind you.