Courtesy of Sue Schneider of the River City Group, here’s an update on the attempt to ban Internet gambling proposed in the US Congress:
Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., who has been trying to ban online wagering for about
10 years, had planned to introduce an online gambling prohibition amendment
today by attaching it to S2349 (the Lobbying Reform Act). However, the
debate over the Lobbying Reform bill was sidelined by a proposed amendment
aimed at preventing a United Arab Emirates company from managing several key
US ports. It would appear that now the U.S. Senate will take up the
lobbying reform bill next week but the bipartisan managers of that bill have
pledged to disallow any non-germane amendments to that bill as drafted. This
would eliminate the opportunity for Senator Kyl to move his prohibition bill
in the Senate by attaching it to this particular vehicle. IGN will continue
monitoring this situation and keep you apprised.
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