Paperback edition available again!

I’ve successfully migrated Roll the Bones from Lulu to CreateSpace, which means that the book is available directly from the print on demand vendor again.

The upshot of all this for you, the reader, is that the retail price has dropped from $26.00 to $21.95. Thanks for CreateSpace producing books less expensively than Lulu, I’m able to offer them at that new, low price. 

I’ve also made a few slight interior changes, including modifying the title page and cleaning up a few typos, and the spine of the book is now much better looking. I’ll try to post a picture later.

This printing will be working its way into other distribution channels over the next week or so, so if you’re planning on buying from Barnes and Noble, wait until you see it for $21.95 retail. At Amazon, it’s now on sale for $20.85. Follow this link and you can’t go wrong!

Thanks to everyone who helped me migrate the book. And thanks to you, if you have bought it or are thinking about buying it.

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