If you’ve missed it, I’ve got what I hope is a lighter look at today’s angry showgirl march up at Two Way Hard Three:
If you love those Las Vegas Sun slideshow-riffic stories (15 intersections of certain death! click now!), you might like this quick, numbered list of potential future events that will likely never come to pass but may give you a chuckle.
On the heels of this morning’s delightfully-sequined astroturf “angry showgirl” march to protest resort fees, I started pondering what other marches protesting other indiginities or inconveniences of today’s Vegas I’d like to see. My brain stopped working after five, so that’s all you get. If you’ve got any ideas, feel free to add them in the comments.
I thought I’d have a little fun with the idea of staged protests on the Strip. as you can see, “fun” can be purely subjective.