How Vegans are spending their tax rebates

Here’s a little unvarnished peek into the soul of Las Vegas: an answer to the question, “If you gave Las Vegans $600, how would they spend it?. Only the LVRJ is brave enough to ask the public directly. Here’s a few of my favorites:

Vacation to California to help forget about the high gas and grocery prices.

I was unemployed for about 3 months recently and I have to use my tax rebate for my past due bills that accumulated during that time. If there is anything left I will buy some stuff for the house and maybe go out to dinner. Also maybe buy some clothes.

we’re using ours to buy a new gun.

I am donating it to our Troops to an organization called Soldiers Angels.
Thanks to them our country is safe.

I will do my duty and spend my Economic Stimulus Check for both household items like new comforter sets, cothes and household items — stuff for the garden, etc. – I will do my american duty and spend, spend, spend —–in fact, I’ve started already and I don’t even have it yet, but, I did do direct deposit and I should have it by Friday.

I’m very recently unemployed so rent & food. =)

My husband and I will use our check to catch up on bills and a down payment on an Apple computer.

Pay my dentist. – Breaking News – How will you spend your tax rebate?

I deliberately juxtaposed the person who is donating his/her check to the troops and the one doing his/her “american duty” (sic) by spending into debt. I think that the men and women who haven’t seen their families for months are the only ones really doing their “American duty,” and it’s sickening to think that buying crap you don’t need is seen as a patriotic gesture.

LOL about vacationing to California to forget about high prices. That would be a great idea if the cost of living wasn’t higher in California than Nevada. It’s like going to Newcastle to get away from coal.

At least no one said, “Megabucks.”

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