Road-running in Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Marathon isn’t until December 10, but you can start training for it today by joining the Roadrunners Training Program.

Actually, you could have started yesterday at 6 AM, when training officially kicked off with a 3-mile run. By December 10, doing 26.2 miles will seem like a piece of cake.

Well, it might not be that easy, but at least it’ll be doable. I joined up with the Roadrunners in August and finished in 3:52, so anything is possible.

This year, I’ve volunteered to be a pace leader, which basically consists of running at a set pace and keeping the group motivated and running. If you want to run the marathon in a respectable 4:30, come down to the parking lot at Stephanie and American Pacific at 6 AM sharp next Sunday, and you can join me. For that matter, if you want to run faster or slower, there are pace groups for just about every speed, from 3 hours to walkers.

If you don’t want to run, consider volunteering on race day. It’s nice to have an event in Las Vegas that promotes good health (let’s face it, people generally don’t come here to increase their fitness, stop smoking, or lower their blood cholesterol), and it takes thousands of volunteers to make it a success.

You can read a press release here: Las Vegas Marathon: Las Vegas Roadrunners, Training Program For The New Las Vegas Marathon And Half Marathon, To Begin June 4.

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