The education of a super croupier

Great news for British proponents of gaming education yesterday, as the United Kingdom’s first school dedicated to teaching casino operations opened. From the BBC:

The UK’s first gaming academy, to teach trainee croupiers the tricks of the trade, was officially opened in Lancashire on Wednesday.

Blackpool and The Fylde College has built its own training casino in the resort, earmarked to benefit from the government’s gambling law reforms.

Courses ranging from GCSE to foundation courses for degrees will be available to students aged over 18.

Students will learn skills such as operating a roulette wheel and table.

Some will train as super croupiers and others as slot machine engineers.

The project has been backed by gaming company Gala Casinos.

Casino college’s official opening

While this is no Centre for Gambling Mania, it’s yet another place that I’d like to give a guest lecture at.

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