A few months ago, I spoke to Mali Finn Casting about a prospective movie about poker players, Lucky You. Today I got a follow-up email, which might give you–yes you–your big break:
Casting is underway on Warner Bros./Director Curtis Hanson’s “Lucky You” to star Eric Bana (Troy, The
Hulk) and Drew Barrymore.We’ve set up a website for poker players and dealers to submit pictures along with a brief form.
I encourage you all to submit and forward the info to your friends/co-workers, etc. as well.
Go to Malifinncasting.net for more info.
I checked out the website, and there is a fairly detailed questionnaire for you to fill out and return, along with a snapshot. If you play poker and live in Vegas or LA, this could be a chance for you to be in a major motion picture. I don’t think this kind of opportunity comes along everyday.