The birth of Genting

With Genting’s purchase of Boyd’s Echelon site on the Strip and proposed construction of Resorts World Las Vegas, a lot of Vegas-based people have asked where the company comes from. Luckily, Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling has the whole Genting story.

The company got it start in 1964, when Lim Goh Tong began building a hotel at a spot “above the clouds” 45 miles from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. When he received a franchise to offer casino gaming five years later, things really got going.

Genting Highlands developed, over the next 40 years, into a six hotel, 8,000-room resort, and the company today operates casinos in other markets, including the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Singapore, and New York City—the latter three are under the Resorts World name.

Learn more about Genting and other gaming companies in Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling

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