Gambling fact and gambling fiction

My latest Las Vegas Business Press column is an extended take on the issue of accuracy in gaming stats, brought on by the Andy Rooney commentary of a few weeks ago:

The gambling business is all about numbers. Whether it’;s a roulette table, a lottery or a low-stakes bingo game, it’s impossible to run without knowing exactly what’s coming in and what’s going out. Because states share gaming revenues through taxes, it’s in their interests to keep well informed about these numbers. For that reason, legal gambling is well documented.

So it’s disappointing, at the very least, when people talking about gambling insist on ignoring — or worse, making up — facts that are in the public domain.

via Las Vegas Business Press :: David G. Schwartz : Without numerical facts, gaming talk spreads fiction.

I don’t think that this is going away any time soon, but we can always hope.

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