As Atlantic City continues its own Year of the Four Emperors, its fourth mayor in a year has just been sworn in. New mayor Lorenzo Langford used his swearing in not to talk about the effect of the weakened economy on the city’s biggest industry or other weighty issues, but instead took a hard line against schemers. From the AC Press:
Langford welcomed the partnership of those previous viewed as rivals, but issued caution to those still seeking his demise. "Plot and plan against me if you will," he said. "But remember there is a God in heaven plotting and planning against you."
New Atlantic City mayor welcomes partners, cautions rivals.
If Oscar Goodman is the “happiest mayor on the planet,” does that make Langford “the most paranoid mayor on the planet?” I like how there’s no longer even a pretense of serving the people of Atlantic City: it’s all just about getting power and holding on to it.
And the idea that God will take a personal interest in Atlantic City politics is a whimsical notion at best. For crying out loud, the governor probably has better things to do that get mired in the goings-on down there, so what makes you think that the creator of the universe will intervene?