New Hughes Reviews

The headline is actually a lie: I’m not reviewing Geoff Schumacher’s new Howard Hughes book…yet. I’ll get to it as soon as I’ve gotten a few other pieces out of the way. But it sounds pleasant and I’m short of time.

But I wanted to tell everyone that the book is out, and it’s worth reading: Howard Hughes: Power, Paranoia & Palace Intrigue: Books: Geoff Schumacher

If nothing, you’ve got to praise Stephens Press for their aptitude in picking back cover blurbers. They chose this quote from me to follow Bob Maheu’s:

“Anyone who wants a better idea of the man behind the myth should read this book. There are many, many books on Hughes out there, but few are as lucid as this one.”

Furthermore, I’m identified as “David Schwartz, Ph.D., author of Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling,” so there’s another plug for Roll the Bones out of the way.

Part of the incentive for finishing my next book is that I’ll have something new to plug.

Seriously, you should really check out Geoff’s book–it actually makes sense of what Hughes did in Las Vegas.

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