It’s always amusing to read things on the Internet, where people can post their thoughts without editorial control or even a spell check. Take for example some excerpts from this post on the messsage board:
What would you have to return in order to make a chance of 11% a profitable play? Answer: 100/11 equals 9. You would have to multiply your money nine times at least in ten years in order that the rewards outweigh the risk. Not very attractive. You may win by luck, of course, or you may have a “nose” for investments, in which case the odds are not really that low, they are swung in your favour by your nose. But for the noseless, the maths is against you. Yet this is what a large number of investors try to do.If your Rule no:1 is : Never to loose your capital, then remember to go for INVESTING and forget gambling which is best done in Casino not in stock market.
Just in case,Punter in you win over investor and you are about to deviate then remember Rule no 2 which is never forget rule no1.
After all its your hard earned money which we are discussing here.
Gambling or Investing – What is Your Choice?
I guess that makes sense, but I imagine that few investors deliberately try to “loose” their capital.