something for your money

Why My New Book Is Something for Your Money

As promised, my latest book, Something for Your Money: A History of Las Vegas Casinos, was published earlier this month. II would like to take a minute to explain the title. I am open to anything when it comes to book titles. It’s been so long I forget why I settled on Suburban Xanadu for […]

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book, informed informality

Why I Have a New Book On the Way (And Why I Wrote the Other Ones)

I have been writing about casino history for a long time—my entire professional career. In recent years, my pace has slowed down a bit as I have been focusing on my ombuds work, which is why I haven’t published anything since my last book, At the Sands. That is going to change in January, when

Why I Have a New Book On the Way (And Why I Wrote the Other Ones) Read More »

book, informed informality