This week in the Las Vegas Business Press, I take a deeper look at the recent employment study I did over at UNLV:
By the same token, examining the numbers isn’t just a dry exercise in statistics. It helps us understand what’s going on when people gain and lose jobs in the casino industry. And it can give everyone in the state an insight into what to expect in the near future from the state’s highest-profile employer. As of last year, about 177,000 Nevadans worked in hotel-casinos, dealing cards, making beds, serving drinks and doing countless other jobs. That’s an impressive total — just less than 7 percent of the state’s total population. But in the long view, it’s not that large a number.
via Las Vegas Business Press :: David G. Schwartz : Expect high productivity, fewer workers in casinos.
I’m continuing to work on the study, with in-depth looks at the Las Vegas Strip, Boulder Strip, and Washoe County. It definitely helps but our current economic situation into perspective.