
Early September Update

Things are looking good for Grandissimo.

The book is at the indexer’s, being gently indexed as we speak. The interior layout (other than the indexing) is finished. I ran a very, very rough version through CreateSpace’s proof process, and liked what I got back. 

I’ve seen a rough version of the cover, and like what I saw.

So right now it’s about fixing little things and waiting for the big things to come in. We’re still right on target for the October 19 launch at VIMFP

The Kickstarter campaign is about half-way done. I met my initial goal, which covers the basic expenses of publication, and am now hoping to reach $6,000, which will let me do some more intense marketing and promotion of the book. No matter how the campaign ends up (I’m just shy of $5,000 as I write this), I am both honored and humbled by the incredible response it has gotten. Writing this book hasn’t been easy; whenever you can’t find a home for a book that you know is a good one with a publisher, you can’t help but have second thoughts about how good it is (or isn’t). 

The overwhelming support has really blown me away. It is so gratifying to know that people out there want to read my telling of the Jay Sarno story.

Thank you all.

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Progress report

Work on the book is coming along well. I’m in the final stages of photo permissions, and the layout is pretty much set. Right now I’m eliminating the numerical endnote markers in the text and adding textual cues to the citations in the notes. It is actually less exciting than it sounds.

My next step is to finalize the layout. From there, it’s one final round of proof-reading, then indexing, and then into production. 

I’ll keep you posted.

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UNLV Gaming Podcast, Update

I’ve had a busy day at the Center for Gaming Research. First, I interviewed Rick Santoro, security consultant, and produced the interview into podcast form. The result was the 38 UNLV Gaming Podcast: Rick Santoro Santoro is a thirty-year verteran of casino security who has worked executive protection, conducted investigations, and managed security departments for

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Center for Gaming Research