
Online island pioneer

The small island nation of Antigua capitalized on online gaming by encouraging early sports betting sites to set up business there. Like earlier resource-poor jurisdictions such as Monte Carlo and Nevada, it hoped to leverage its tolerance of gambling into substantial development.

To learn more about the early days of online gaming, see Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling

Go here to read an excerpt from the book, or learn where to buy your copy.

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Antigua whitelisted

Because I was emailed this story three times and I’m too busy to look for something else to post today, you are going to hear about Antigua getting whitelisted. From the Antigua Sun: After months of hard work, negotiations and amendments, Antigua and Barbuda has successfully attained white list certification from the UK Department of

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news about gambling

WTO objections go mainstream

For a long time, I’ve been a little surprised that the US/WTO online gaming case hasn’t gotten more mainstream press. Now the tide may be turning. This LA Times editorial is a case in point: ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, former British colonies on the eastern edge of the Caribbean Sea, are smaller than Los Angeles and

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news about gambling

Another WTO rebuke

The WTO is fed up with good old-fashioned American intransigence, at least as far as online gambling goes. From Ars Technica: The tiny Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda has just won a World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling against the US regarding online gambling. The WTO has ruled that the US “has failed to comply

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news about gambling

Antigua v. US: Round three…fight!!

I just love this headline: Tiny Antigua grabs the US by its illegal, online dice. The story is interesting, too: Has the time actually come for Congress to read its own legislation? In the wee hours before Congressmen could head off for their election year recess, they managed to churn out a mound of unread

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news about gambling

Sanctions against the US?

The nation of Antigua is understandably chagrined that the United States government has not come into compliance with the World Trade Organization’s ruling on its Internet gaming case. I’m not a lawyer, so I can’t break all this down. But here’s the press release from Antigua’s PR firm: The deadline passed today for the US

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news about gambling

ND net poker coming?

As I said in Cutting the Wire, online gambling will become unambiguously legal in the United States once we reach a certain tipping point: the need for state revenues will outweigh any lingering opposition to “expanded” gambling. The Grand Forks Herald reports on a North Dakota legislator who sees the same thing: A lawmaker who

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news about gambling

WTO releases decision

The WTO panel which decided in favor of Antigua in that country’s suit against the United States has released its 287-page report. From the Register: US laws banning cross-border gambling break international trade rules, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ruled yesterday. The judgement in favour of the tiny Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda, home

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news about gambling

Negotiations over…for now

The US has broken off its negotiations with Antigua over that nation’s successful WTO challenge of US restrictions on cross border trade in gaming services. From Yahoo News: “Unfortunately we were not able to reach a settlement,” despite several meetings over the past four months,” said Richard Mills, a spokesman for the U.S. Trade Representative’s

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news about gambling