
Fallout: New Vegas screenshot of Old Mormon Fort

Upcoming Talk: Fallout: New Vegas and Reclaimed  Memories at the Old  Mormon Fort

Want to talk about a future post-apocalyptic vision of Las Vegas in a historic setting? On May 4, and 6pm, I am giving a talk at the Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort State Historic Park called “Rebuild and Reeducate: Fallout: New Vegas, Freeside, the Old Mormon Fort, and the Meanings of Memory:” The land we

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Upcoming Online Talk: Lessons Learned from COVID and the Path Ahead

This Friday 8/20 at noon (PDT), I am giving a talk for the UNLV Alumni Association’s Rebel Recharge series called “Lessons Learned from COVID and the Path Ahead.” I’m going to be looking at has happened to Las Vegas over the past 18 months, and suggest four lessons we can learn from it. The event

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Upcoming Event – An Evening with Frank Leone at the Clark County Library

Before you know it, I’ll be interviewing a Las Vegas musical legend in the Paul Blau Theater at the Clark County Library: In this conversation facilitated by UNLV gaming historian and author David G. Schwartz, former Musicians Union President and legendary pianist/director/conductor Frank Leone will talk about his experiences in Las Vegas entertainment over the

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Watch the Local Authors Panel from Henderson Libraries

I was honored to take part in the first Local Authors Panel as part of the big collection launch at the Paseo Verde Library on March 8. The panel was a fun, hour-long conversation about writing and Las Vegas.

If you weren’t part of the crowd, you can now see it in its entirety right here (sorry, I couldn’t find an embed option).

It was a good time had by all, and I’m hoping to take part in more events in the future. 

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Grandissimo Event: Jay Sarno Roundtable, March 2

On Sunday, March 2, at 4 PM, you will get a chance to hear some of those who knew Jay Sarno intimately talk about his life and legacy:

Jay Sarno did more than build two of the most  iconic casinos in the world, Caesars Palace and Circus  Circus. He created the mold for modern Las Vegas. In this panel discussion, those who knew him best will  talk about his contributions and his quirks.

Panelists include

  • Oscar Goodman, former Las Vegas mayor and sarno’s attorney
  • Burton Cohen, casino president
  • Mel Larson, former Circus Circus vice president of marketing
  • Jay C. Sarno, September Sarno, Freddie Sarno, and Heidi 
  • Sarno Straus, Jay sarno’s children

The panel will be moderated by David G. Schwartz, author of Sarno biography  Grandissimo: The First Emperor of Las Vegas. books will be available for purchase and signing after the discussion.

The event, which takes place at Lied Library,  is free and open to the public, though Registration is encouraged
Register online at  or call 702-895-2277 by Monday, February 24.

Light refreshments will be served.

View invitation here (pdf)

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Events listing updated for spring

With a busy spring ahead of me, I have updated the events page. Click through for the entire list. I’m excited to be featured in a number of events at Clark County, Henderson, and UNLV libraries, as well as UNLV’s University Forum lecture series. 

And of course, I’m happy to take any chance I get to talk to people about Grandissimo in particular and all the other things I find fascinating about Las Vegas in general. I hope to see you at one or more events this spring!

And if you would like me to speak to your group, please get in touch

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Big Announcement: December Reading at the Mob Museum

After an enthusiastic standing room only launch event, what more can an author ask for?

I don’t know about other authors, but I asked for another chance to read and sign books in Downtown Las Vegas. And I’ve gotten it. In December, I’m going to be spending some time at the Mob Museum:

Author’s Talk to feature nationally known, local gaming expert David G. Schwartz, director of the Center for Gaming Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, will talk about his newest book Grandissimo: The First Emperor of Las Vegas, a biography of Jay Sarno, who built Caesars Palace and Circus Circus and helped inspire modern Las Vegas, at the Museum’s next Author’s Talk and book signing set for December 13-14.

So when is all this happening? On Friday, I’ll be hanging out in the retail store, chatting with folks and signing books. What better way to celebrate Friday the 13th? I’ll be there from noon to 4. 

On Saturday, December 14, I’ll be giving a talk and reading at 1 PM in the courtroom, and will be signing books afterwards. The talk is free for museum members (RSVP here) and included in the price of admission for non-members (ticket info here), so come on down if you are in Las Vegas that afternoon. 

I am very excited about this opportunity. I know that you can see me in the Mob Museum anytime thanks to the video displays (and slot machines) that I’m featured on. But this will be a chance to actually talk to me about Las Vegas, history, the Mob, or whatever else comes up. For me, the chance to give a talk in the historic courtroom—well, I’ll have goosebumps, that’s for sure. 

Did I tell you how excited I am about this?

Please show your support for a local, independent author and come to the talk. At the launch, two of Sarno’s children and a former employee showed up to endorse the book and share their stories. Who will be there at this talk? I can’t even imagine, but I promise to give you a glimpse into the life of one of the true visionaries of Las Vegas.

For more information, visit the Mob Museum‘s site.

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Thank You for a Great Launch!

Yesterday, as part of the Vegas Internet Mafia Family Picnic, I had the global launch event for Grandissimo at The D Las Vegas.

After sharing some artisanal nut butter (a carefully-curated tasting flight of cashew, almond, and walnut), I got up and spoke to the filled-to-capacity D Showroom crowd. I talked a little about the genesis of the book and the process of publishing it. It’s the kind of thing I could talk about for an hour and still have more to say, but I kept it to about five minutes. I then read two excerpts from the book and took questions before stepping off stage and heading to my booth to sign books.

It was great signing books and giving out Walls 360 repositionable wall art (I had Grandissimo and Roll the Bones stickers and mini-posters).

The best part of the event for me was when two people close to Jay got up to say a few words. Don Kelley of the Swinging Lads, who played for Sarno in the Cabana days, talked a little about his former boss. Then Freddie Sarno, Jay’s son, shared some very kind words about the family’s appreciation for my writing the book. 

So the book is officially out now—you can pick up a copy just about anywhere online, and I’ve got a few more events scheduled. If you couldn’t make this one, I’d love to see you at one of them.

A full spread—most of these are in the hands of readers now.

Me with Jay’s daughter Heidi, her husband (next to her), his son Freddie, and his girlfriend. 

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Grandissimo Launches Tomorrow

The day is almost here! Tomorrow, as part of the Vegas Internet Mafia Family Picnic‘s Main Event, we will be having the official launch event for Grandissimo at The D in Downtown Las Vegas. 

The main event itself, which is in The D Showroom,  kicks off at 2. I’ll be launching the book right around 4. 

What should you expect? I’ll talk a little about the book, read an excerpt or two, and answer questions. After a celebratory toast, we’ll consider the book launched.

I’ll have copies available for purchase (and, of course, signing), and will have Roll the Bones there as well. I have postcards, bookmarks, posters, and stickers to give away, so you won’t leave empty-handed.

If you are in Las Vegas, I’d love to see you there. Once again, it’s in the showroom at The D casino on Fremont Street at 4 pm. 

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The Launch at VIMFP: Details

We are a mere nine days away from the Grandissimo global launch event at The D Casino Hotel in Downtown Las Vegas.

The event is part of the Vegas Internet Mafia Family Picnic’s Main Event. As you can see from that link, it is quite a lineup. 

The Grandisismo launch will be happening sometime shortly after 4 pm on Saturday, October 19. I will talk about the book, thank a few folks who deserve all our love, read a bit, and take questions.

There will be giveaways: postcards, bookmarks, stickers, and even some limited edition Walls360 repositionable wall art. 

So come on down. I’ll be part of the Vegas Gang, which starts at precisely 1:57 that afternoon, and will be thoroughly enjoying the Five Hundy segment which follows. I’d love for you to share this day with me and a few dozen like-minded Vegas lovers.

Thanks to Hunter, Chuck, Tim, & Michele for putting this together, as well as our host, Derek Stevens. This will be a blast.

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