Slow news day, so it’s a good time to post this week’s Green Felt Journal, a look at a Nevada startup that is hoping to bring fantasy sports betting to Nevada’s regulated environment:
Calling itself “next generation Daily Fantasy Sports,” USFantasy Sports uses a pari-mutuel model, which means that players aren’t betting against the house. Mostly used in horse racing, pari-mutuel betting puts all money into a pool, which is then proportionally divided among winners, minus a cut for the house.
Read more: The Fantasy Lives On – Vegas Seven
It will be interesting to see this develop. I think it has good prospects from the industry/regulatory side because unlike Draft Kings/Fan Duel, it isn’t cutting the existing players out of the game–on the contrary, it’s giving them a window into the market. I have no idea about how bettors will receive it, though, and they have the final say.