The Man Who Gave Regulation a Good Name | Vegas Seven

In this week’s Green Felt Journal, I look back at the legacy of Bob Faiss, who immeasurably shaped gaming in Nevada and many other places:

Faiss shaped the evolution of Nevada’s gaming regulation as an attorney who represented some of the state’s largest casinos, but never lost sight of what he considered truly important: what was best for Nevada. When he joined Lionel Sawyer & Collins in the early 1970s (after service with the state and federal governments, and finishing a four-year night law degree program in three years), there was no such thing as a “gaming attorney.” Faiss was part of the generation of practitioners that codified gaming law as its own specialty.

via The Man Who Gave Regulation a Good Name | Vegas Seven.

If you are interested in gaming history, I strongly suggest picking up a copy of Bob’s oral history–he was there as the present regulatory system was put together, and he had a large role in shaping it.

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