If you’ve been waiting to buy Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition) in paperback from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, wait no longer: it’s now available from both booksellers, as well as Lulu.com, where you get a 20% discount:
- Amazon: Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition)
$26 (free shipping)
- Barnes and Noble: Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition) $26 (free shipping)
- Lulu.com: Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling (Casino Edition) $20.80 (plus shipping)
You can also order the book from booksellers and bookstores just about everywhere.
I don’t know if listing the price is a marketing-savvy thing to do; I know most places that ask you to buy stuff don’t. But I figure that it’s better to let you know up front what it costs so you don’t feel bait-and-switched. There are many shipping options for Lulu, the least expensive of which costs $3.99 and seems to take about a week to arrive, give or take.
If you’ve got a favorite bookseller that stocks gambling and Vegas-related books, please ask them to stock this. It would be a great help to me, and it would be wonderful to get the book in front of more people.