Fun on TWHT

If you haven’t seen them already, I’d like to draw your attention to two recent items on Two Way Hard Three. First is my write-up of a serendipitous encounter with the Cosmopolitan street team:

Late last week, the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas unveiled its latest secret weapon–a purple truck. Since its existence was confirmed on Twitter, speculation about its true purpose has been running high. Would it dole out free indie rock and hipster glasses to the unwashed masses of Las Vegas? Would it spontaneously curate streetside happenings? Or would it actually do something useful, like provide free shuttle service? As usual with marketing promotions that want to go viral, it was shrouded in mystery.

Well, word has it they’ve been active this weekend, and I ran into the Cosmopolitan street team quite by accident this morning.

The Cosmopolitan takes it to the streets

The second is an in-depth, longer-than-an-hour interview that Hunter did with me:

If you’ve got comments, feel free to leave them here.

I’m not usually asked to talk about myself that much, so I really let loose.

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