Interesting opinion piece from a Malaysian paper about the Singapore casinos:
Since the opening of the two casinos in Singapore, some billionaires were reported to have lost a great amount of money while the two casinos were reported to have made impressive performances.
Some suffered great losses while some made great gains. It is the law for all casinos.
For reference, 1 Singapore dollar is worth about .76 $USD. So that S$100 million loss was about $76 million, hardly chump change.
I find it interesting that the author seems to feel some schadenfreude at the losses by the big high rollers, but concern over the buses of Malaysians headed to the casinos.
The win per day for Resort World slot machines, S$600,000 is $459,511 a day. With 1300 machines, that comes to a respectable $353.47–about three times the average for Nevada, but not that far off some of the more lucrative US markets.