Not on the Daily Show next week

This is funny. This afternoon, I recorded an interview with Jeff Gillan of In Business Las Vegas, so tune into KSNV-3 tonight if you want to see it. We talk about the NFL allowing Las Vegas ads during regular season games.

When I got back to the office, I had an email from a recent student asking if I was really going to be on the Daily Show next week. I checked the website, and lo and behold, there’s my picture on the front page:
Not me on the daily show

You’ll notice that I’m incorrectly identified as Robert O’Connell, author of Ghosts of Cannae, a book that I reviewed last week right on this very site.

I don’t know exactly how this happened, since I don’t look anything like the various Robert O’Connells that a quick Google Images search turns up. But, curiously enough, a search for “ghosts of cannae” turns up a bunch of stuff from the die is cast (just scroll down to page 4). This includes, for whatever reason, my picture.

So to answer the question before you asked, no, I’m not going to be on the Daily Show next week. But it’s quite possible that my picture will. Or won’t.

Now, if they want to have me on after the Sarno book is done, that’s another story.

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