Palms ditches scent

I get lots of questions from folks in the media about the use of scent in casinos. Apparently, after a month there wasn’t much question at the Palms, since the casino decided to stop using its air perfume. From the LV Sun:

The Palms scent — teakwood, named after the Southeast Asian tropical hardwood — did leave a lasting impression — but for too many people, apparently, that impression was a bad one.

“The place literally stinks. I’d almost rather smell the smoke,” one tourist noted in his online review.

via Palms turns up its nose at effort to scent casino – Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | 2 a.m. – Las Vegas Sun.

It just goes to show that casino scent-logy isn’t a carefully balanced psychobiological science, it really is a crapshoot. And teakwood, apparently, came up snake eyes. Except that the house didn’t win, so I guess you could say they seven out.

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