Utah gambling ahead?

Utah is one of two states that has no legal gambling, but that might be changing–online at least. From the Salt Lake Tribune:

Prominent poker players have teamed with big Las Vegas casinos to push for a law legalizing — and heavily regulating — online gambling.

Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff likes the idea, as long as it doesnt lead to tribal casinos or other forms of gambling in Utah.

"It is going to happen anyway, lets put some regulation in place," he said.

Shurtleff heard a pitch from the Poker Players Alliance during the spring meeting of the National Association of Attorneys General in Washington, D.C.

Shurtleff on legalized gambling: Deal me in – Salt Lake Tribune.

The article is unclear about whether this means online gaming would be OK in Utah, or whether Utah would agree to online gaming as a state option, much as terrestrial gambling is now. If its the former, that’s quite a change from past policies.

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