The world according to gaming research

This is fun: a story from KLAS about online gaming has made the rounds of the internet, and somehow, after being run through a translation program a few times, wound up on what appears to a link farm for online gaming sites. I’m posting it in its entirety, not because of the content, but because of the fantastically twisted language:

As the topic becomes more and more popular we are also going to examine some questions in order to help an online gambler.

As reported by KLAS-TV: “Strip casinos be the subject of been struggling lately to observe up their gambling revenues.Fewer humbler classes are visiting Las Vegas and that property unruffled less are gambling.But could the cure in favor of the downturn subsist reaching public to would-be gamblers in their allow homes?

“Online gambling sites furnish the same variety of games that utmost Strip casinos translate — from sports betting, to poker and unruffled bingo.But progression laws take care of online gaming completely of the U.S., somebody that many casinos supported.But a considerable number are since since it of the same kind with any opportunity.

“The mistake to the internet-based casino would subsist only a clink not present, and the tables are filled through glowing players.Online casinos be obliged been giving gamblers a place to play free from the trip to Las Vegas during the term of years, on the other hand play is nor one nor the other legal nor regulated.

We have already given you several details in the beginning of this article, now we want to develop the topic.

“…When the sites before anything else began in the 1990’s, the big casinos feared they would attract away players, if it were not that after this they are vision the possibilities.If the laws are changed, existing casinos would likely have existence licensed judgment cross-border based sites, aperture the door in quest of fruitful names approve MGM and Harrah’s to influence unused gamblers.

“‘Having legal online gaming would really help the Strip casinos accompanying their marketing.It would cure them procure loudly who is stakes on the outside there,’ reported David Schwartz by the side of UNLV’s Center according to Gaming Research…”

After summing up all that we have spoken about you will realize that all this will be with you during your lifetime.

New slots machines » Blog Archive » Online gambling sites offer the same variety of games that most Strip casinos.

I think I want to rename my place of employment the “Center according to Gaming Research.” It’s much more interesting. And I look forward to seeing the casinos procure loudly who is stakes on the outside there.

The whole thing reminded me of a Damon Wayans sketch from In Living Color, in a good way. I’ve got to start talking like that from now on.

And the article’s coda, “you will realize that all this will be with you during your lifetime,” of course brings to mind “future events like these will affect you in the future” from Ed Wood’s opus Plan 9 from Outer Space.

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