Disapperaing act?

Last night, the FBI raided David Copperfield’s warehouse. No one’s saying exactly what they were looking for, but it sounds serious. From KLAS:

David Copperfield, famed illusionist and Las Vegas regular, appears to be the target of a late night FBI raid.

A dozen FBI agents stormed Copperfield’s warehouse near West Russell and Valley View and came away with evidence for an investigation reaching all the way to Seattle.

A source close to the investigation last night tells Eyewitness News twelve Seattle FBI agents descended on the warehouse and took a computer hard drive and a memory chip from a digital camera system. The source also says there was nearly $2 million in cash stuffed away inside a safe in the warehouse. Agents are said to have taken that cash.

Eyewitness News tried to get more information from the warehouse office staff, but they quickly told us to leave and closed the gate behind us.

As for the Seattle connection, the FBI office did confirm they conducted an investigation in Las Vegas, but would not say if Copperfield was the target at the warehouse. A spokesperson tells Eyewitness News that out of state agents are involved when tips or leads originate from their area, proving there was some connection between Seattle and Copperfield’s warehouse.

However, the raid didn’t end there. The Las Vegas FBI office confirmed agents also went to the MGM-Grand. Copperfield often performs there as a home base every other month. The FBI confirmed the MGM-Grand was not the target, but said nothing about what they found at the hotel. MGM-Grand had no comment.

Las Vegas Now – Breaking News, Local News, Weather, Traffic, Streaming Video, Classifieds, Blogs – FBI Raids Warehouse of Las Vegas Illusionist David Copperfield

Nice storytelling with the visual of the closing gate synced with the reporter describing it. Funny how the employee couldn’t quite get that gate closed on the first try, though.

I don’t know what impact, if any, this will have on Copperfield’s inclusion in the Gaming Hall of Fame. He’s already in, so unless it turns out that he’s secretly funneling money to Al Qaeda (or, in this case, Tom Grey), I’d suppose he’d stay in.

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