On the radio in Manchester

I woke up at quarter of four this morning to get down to Caesars Palace to do a radio interview that aired live in Manchester. It was for the lunchtime (12-2) show, with host Allan Beswick, and was a lot of fun. As you might have heard, Manchester is slated to get the UK’s “supercasino,” and I was part of a lively discussion about the gambling hall’s prospects. You can listen to the show here: BBC – Manchester by clicking on the “Listen Again” tab and then selecting “Allan Beswick.”

If you’re in Las Vegas today, at 4 this afternoon we are hosting a reading/signing event featuring author Burt Dragin at UNLV. Come down to Lied Library’s Extended Study Lounge at 4 p.m. to hear a very good writer read from his work and talk about his gambling and his writing.

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