I did a quick interview with Jeff Gillen on Las Vegas One’s News One at night last night, which went really well, at least according to people who saw it and let me know about it. So the buildup to the international launch of Roll the Bones continues. I also sent this bulletin out on MySpace this morning:

In case you don’t already know it, this Saturday, October 7, is the International Launch for Roll the Bones: The History of Gambling. Come join me at 2 pm at the Reading Room in Mandalay Place, right on the world-famous Las Vegas Strip, for a reading, Q&A, and signing. It’s going to be loads of fun, and you’ll get to meet all sorts of interesting folks. You also get the opportunity to support a local author, and to see me try to sum up 50,000 years of history in a 20-minute talk.

What are you going to see? I don’t want to tip my hand, but I guarantee that I will talk about Kazakhstani goat wrestling, which would be worth the price of admission alone (admission is, of course, free). So come on down, bring your friends, and learn and laugh with us all.

If you want to join my select group of MySpace friends, just send me a request–my screen-name is the inventive “Dave702.” This is the first bulletin I’ve ever sent out, so don’t expect to be innundated with promotional stuff.

And the thing about Kazakh goat wrestling is true–it is in the book. Had I known that, just when the book was being released, the Borat movie was going to be released to such controversy, I would have played it up a great deal more. And yes, it is all true, unless an article in a 1972 edition of the journal Anthropoligica isn’t trustworthy.

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