Toga party tonight!

Who doesn’t like a toga party? Outdoors, in Las Vegas? Someone, I’m sure. In any event, Caesars Palace is having a toga party TONIGHT to celebrate its 40th anniversary. I go this email in my inbox today:

FREE Toga Party!

Caesars Palace Celebrates ITS 40TH ANNIVERSARY!

Featuring celebrity host
Jenny McCarthy and music by
Otis Day and the Knights

Wednesday, August 2 9pm (doors open at 7:30pm)

Caesars Palace will celebrate it’s 40th anniversary with a toga party at the
legendary resort’s outdoor Roman Plaza amphitheater.

Only those guests who arrive in a toga will be granted admission to the
outdoor concert and toga party. Following the toga party, toga party
attendees are invited to an after-parry at Pure Nightclub, FREE. Doors to
the outdoor concert and toga party open at 7:30pm and Pure Nightclub will
open at 10pm

Caesars always has trouble with apostrophes (yes, I know that not having one in the name is deliberate). Whoever wrote this release got it right in the headline, but botched it in the actual release. Remember, it’s=it is; its=possessive of it.

I don’t know exactly what’s going on there, outside of Jenny McCarthy and the music, but it could be a lot of fun.

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