Ducks now OK in Wisconsin

People do all sorts of crazy things to raise money. How else do you explain cow pie bingo? But there is always tension between charities’ need for funds, and states’ protecting the public against rampant gambling.

Thankfully, Wisconsin’s gambling enforcers have stepped back from the brink, and are letting duck derbies continue. From WAOW-9:

The state is backing off its ban on ducky derbies.

Administrators initially said the rubber duck races held by many groups as fund-raisers were technically illegal in Wisconsin because they involve chance and a prize.

That drew criticism from organizations that wanted to hold the duck races, saying the state was being heavy handed.

The state Division of Gaming has denied requests from various organizations wanting to hold races, including the House of Friends in Owen. It’s an after school program for underprivileged children.

The organization’s president Penny Funk says she’s glad they will be able to hold their fund-raiser. But she says she’s disappointed that it took media attention to get the state to back off.

News – WAOW Newsline 9

I’m glad they allowed this. I suspect it’s far better than cow pie bingo, as fundraisers go.

Of course it will only be a matter of time before the Friends break down and just hold a Texas Hold’em tournament.

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