Parties bidding on the casino license for Sentosa Island, Singapore, might want to follow Las Vegas Sands’ winning strategy for the Marina Bay casino: an innovative design, multi-faceted marketing approach, and proven experience in the region and industry. Or, they might just want to read their star charts and consult with feng shui experts. From the Taipei Times:
Bidders for Singapore’s second casino resort on Sentosa Island were warned yesterday not to ignore the site’s bloody World War II past.
With the Las Vegas Sands beating three other competitors for the US$3.2 billion Marina Bay complex in the commercial district, geomancers, recalling a massacre during the Japanese occupation of Sentosa, have suggested ways of harmonizing bad vibrations on the site of the second casino.
They told the Straits Times that a pavilion or memorial should be erected, or a multi-religious service held, before construction starts to avert accidents, suicides or a loss-making venture.
While acknowledging feng shui alone will not secure the second winning bid or a successful venture, the experts suggested charting the stars.
“If they want to win, submitting at an auspicious time gives a small advantage,” feng shui author Adeline Pang was quoted as saying.
The Sands, the owner of the Venetian in Las Vegas, was declared the winner of the first resort last month with a design which had three slanting hotel towers overlooking three low-rise waterfront domes and roofs resembling waves.
The government dropped its longstanding ban on casino gambling in its zeal to attract a greater share of the Asian tourism market.
Bidders now have until October 10 to submit proposals for Sentosa with its combination of a casino and theme parks.
Geomancers and feng shui experts agree that the Sentosa resort should have its back to the mainland for support.
Master Ang Kian Cheong said the orientation will make all the difference to its success.
Irregular or sharp angles in the designs should be avoided, feng shui expert Victor Li told the newspaper.
“Round, semi-circle or an ellipse will be good,” he added.
A winner will be announced by the end of the year.
Incredibly enough, Sentosa Island is one of the very few places I’ve been to outside the United States. I stayed at the Rasa Sentosa resort, and they didn’t mention anything about a bloody past.
I think this article shows how cultural sensitivities are very important. If an American casino executive starting calling an astrologer before announcing a new venture, stock prices would plummet. But calling in a geomancer might actually be a sensible thing in this context.