I just received an email from an attorney working with Antigua’s WTO case asking me to post the following:
Friends. I have been asked by one of the lawyers representing Antigua in its WTO gambling case against the US whether one or more people who follow this site would be willing to send samples of gambling advertisements or promotions from their area. The lawyer wants to collect photos of billboards, newspaper ads, flyers, taxi cabs ads, etc. that carry gambling advertisements. The idea is to get samples from around the United States. If you live outside the US, but get ads from US-based gambling companies where you live, he would like to get samples of those ads as well. This would include advertisements for casinos, horse or dog racing tracks, card rooms, bingo parlours, the lottery and even internet gambling (poker, sports or other). When you submit a sample, please fill out the attached form with your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, as well as an indication of the date and place where you found the sample. These materials are going to be collected for possible use at a later date. No one will be a witness or anything like that by submitting these materials; however, the lawyer may ask a few people later (if the need arises) to sign a simple attestation that what they submitted was true and correct. Participation is, of course, purely voluntary. A “submission form” is attached in Word format. Thanks.
If you want to get involved in the US/Antigua WTO dispute, here’s your chance. I can only hope that, when the case is over, this collection of gambling ads will be turned over to the Center for Gaming Research.
On a totally different note, if you read the Las Vegas Review-Journal, be sure to check out Norm! Vegas Confidential tomorrow.