Robot jockeys!

I have seen the future of racing, and it is robots! At least I think so. According to Ananova, robot jockeys have been pressed into service at a Qatar camel-racing track. They have a picture, too:

Robot jockeys

From Ananova:

Seven robot jockeys took part in the race at Al Shahaniyya Camel Racecourse on the outskirts of Doha.

Race officials said it was a successful event. Robot jockeys were developed after child camel jockeys were banned.

Camel racing is a hugely popular sport in the Gulf countries and children were preferred jockeys because of their light weight.

But the ban was introduced over concerns the children were treated like slaves by their employers.

Ananova – Robot camel jockeys

I don’t know how the jockeys work, or if this is even legit. It is an incredible visual, though.

Maybe camel racing can be combined with those “Robot Wars” shows in a 21st century jousting tournament.

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