As my regular readers know, writing Roll the Bones has been taking up most of my time for the past few months. I’ve shared a few of the insights I’ve learned, but for the most part I’ve kept the project under wraps.
Today I reached a significant milestone, so I’m making an announcement: I’m two-thirds done the first draft. I’ve finished my chapters on ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and early modern gambling, gambling in the British empire, 19th century European spa gambling, and Monte Carlo.
What’s left, you might wonder? Only, as Borat might say, the U S and A. In other words, I’ve got three chapters in which to condense the history of gambling in America (including, as things stand now, one whole chapter on Nevada gambling history). Once I finish that, I have the 12th and final chapter–about the international expansion of gambling in the 20th and 21st centuries–and then I am onto my next project.
Check out the Roll the Bones page to learn more about my progress, and how you can help.