I really need to get some reading for Roll the Bones done, but this story was just too good to pass up. Add martial law to the things that will not stop the wheels from spinning in a casino. Plus, the page has the coolest ad I’ve ever seen.
From The Times of India:
Nepal may be in the midst of a crisis, but the casinos don’t seem to have noticed. “Tourists are moving around freely and casinos are functioning as usual. We faced no problems,” said Frenchman Vermeulen Hughes, fresh off a plane from Kathmandu.A viewpoint largely echoed by A K Saxena, one of the 32 passengers to arrive in the Capital on a Jet Airways flight at 3.25 pm.
“The only visible sign of turmoil is heavy troop movement on Kathmandu’s streets. Flight cancellations put us in a spot. Otherwise, we faced no major harassment or trouble in Nepal,” he said.
Saxena’s relaxed mood quickly spread to those who had come to receive him at the airport. “There is nothing wrong in Nepal. It seems to be media-created hype,” said one of them.
Not everyone was so sanguine. V V Raghvan, one of the 35-odd passengers who arrived at 3.40 pm in an Indian Airlines flight, described the situation as ‘scary’.
“There was no way we could inform family members back home about our well-being,” he said, referring to the total communication blackout in Nepal.
I’d click through to read the ad, but in case it changes, I’m going to repost it here, where it casn stay for posterity, or until I get tired of maintaining a website:
If you want to get married to a cricket-loving hottie, you can check out the site for yourself. If you get hoodwinked into marriage after exchanging innocent-sounding IMs, don’t blame me.