For those of you awaiting my second book, today is a good day. I got the manuscript in the mail to University of Nevada Press, and look forward to a quick production process. With any luck, this should be out by Fall 2005.
If you are dreading the release of my second book, this isn’t such good news, but then again you probably aren’t reading this.
You may be wondering what the title will be. I’ve got a page on this site for Uneasy Convictions, but I’ve been told that’s probably not the best title.
For a while I was going with something like “American Gambling Prohibition,” but that seems a bit dry.
As of today, I like Cutting the Wire: Why Anti-Mob Gambling Prohibitions Matter in the Internet Age.
I can’t post any excerpts yet, but here’s the table of contents:
[Introduction] Kennedy�s War Continues 1
[1] Legal Vices and Illicit Diversions 16
[2] The Anxious Decade 63
[3] Camelot Strikes Back 111
[4] Booking the Bookies 162
[5] A Money Jungle from Sea to Sea 196
[6] Outlaws of the Digital Frontier 245
[7] Wiring Down the Internet 278
[Epilogue] High Stakes in a Wired America 306
Check back for more info, including the definitive title announcement and an official publication date.
Email me if you’ve got any title feedback.
In related news, the Wire’s season finale was this Sunday.
Speaking of which, if you think the show should be back for a 4th season (and it should, IMHO), you can sign a petition here: