Get lucky at the ho

When I first read about this, I thought it was a joke. The Westward Ho, long a favorite of low rollers on the Strip, is adding a locals-oriented expansion on Industrial Road. It will be styled “The HO: Your Get Lucky Casino.” Click the link if you don’t believe me. This is all happening in two or three weeks.

I actually saw the site and I wondered what it was. Now I know, but I have even more questions.

The HO will feature “gaming and gas on Industrial.” It will have “good eats” (right now, a steak sandwich and $9 bucket of beers)and some kind of entertainment. They’ll also have the cheapest gas in town.

I think the plan is, after guys get done at the strip clubs on Industrial (if they have any cash left), they head over to the HO to “get lucky” with gaming, buckets of beer, and gas.

Can someone explain why Hard Rock’s billboards are verboten, but a casino that advises you to get lucky at the HO is OK?

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